Sunday, October 26, 2014

The Unseen

This week as I was observing I realized that I try too hard to focus on a big change that I don't let myself enjoy nature's little things. I don't let myself think outside the box. Everyday I go outside and look around expecting a huge change with my apple tree or it's surroundings. I have been observing for a couple weeks now and I realized there's things I don't pay attention to. I usually observe what I can see. But what about the things you can not exactly see? But only hear and feel. When trees and different plants sway from side to side it's usually because there is wind. That's the only way we really know there is wind because it can not be seen. I never pay attention to wind. Wind is just wind, Right? Well wrong. One day as I was observing, the sky was cloudy and the sun was hidden. It was pretty cold, I could hear the whistling sound of wind and I could see how fast the trees were moving back and forth. Suddenly I became very curious about the wind. I asked myself "What causes wind?" So I started doing some research on the website of Weather Wiz Kids and I found out that wind is caused by differences in atmospheric pressure. When a difference in atmospheric pressure exists, air moves from the higher to the lower pressure area, resulting in winds of various speeds. On a rotating planet, air will also be deflected by the Coriolis effect, except exactly on the equator. I was amazed that I thought the wind is something very simple. But in reality it is much more than I expected. I kept researching and reading more and more about the wind and I found out that there are many kinds of wind like a downburst, a jet stream, a monsoon and many others. I thought wind was just wind. I didn't think that the speed or the amount of wind really mattered. To me it was all the same. Just wind. To learn more about the wind and the many kinds of wind visit the website of
Below is a video of the wind that I took while observing.
Things that are not seen and only felt and heard are as important as things that are seen, felt, and heard. We try to focus on things that are right in front of us because those are the things that are the most obvious and we know are there for sure. This reminds me of the so called thing, love. I'm not a expert and I don't claim to know everything about love but I do know that love is something that can only be felt. You can't see love just like you can't see wind. Observing has taught me to think outside the box. Some of us never pay attention to the unseen. But from now on I will try to keep an open mind and I recommend everyone to do so as well.

                                                       Work Cited
 Wicker, Crystal. "Wind." Weather Wiz Kids. N.p. n.d. Web. 26 October 2014


  1. I always thought I paid a lot of attention when I'm in my yard. I,too, have learned that I was overlooking some of the quieter, less dramatic occurrences. I love the analogy to love.

  2. I use to see the wind as just air flowing through, but i never new that there's different names for different kinds of winds like you said for example jet stream.I hope you blog more about the apples relating to wind.

  3. I know how hard it is to observe something and come up with ideas to talk about, when there isn't much to observe. I loved how you choosed to talk about the wind and how you compared it to love. "Love is like the wind, you cant see it but you can feel it" a quote from a movie I saw called "A Walk to Remember.''
