Thursday, October 9, 2014


Little by little things start to dissapear, they start to get old, and they might even get damaged. I'm talking about material things or in this case the apples on my tree and on the ground. My apples were one day a beautiful flower and they grew to be this big red round thing that we all call an apple. They usually stay like that for a long time. Some apples fall to the ground and I realized that those apples little by little start to dry up, get eaten and some way just dissapear. There also are apples on my tree that aren't even apples any more. They are more dried up than anything and they lose their round shape. They also get kind of yellowish. This reminded me of how we humans are. We start off as babies, little by little we grow and then one day we all sadly have to dissapear. I realized that this is a life cycle that all living things go through. It's crazy and amazing how all this happens. I took a picture of how a perfectly round red apple looks  and a picture of how a dried up apple looks and it's actually a huge difference. These pictures are below.
       (Taken By Allison) 10/11/14
    (Taken By Allison) 10/11/14

I been realizing that when I observe closely I actually realize the little things in life. My apple tree isn't just a apple tree, it's much more than that. My apples aren't just apples, they are much more than that. I always saw things with such simplicity and when I would hear the word "Life" I never stopped to think everything that word includes. "Life" isn't just a word, it is much more than that.


  1. That last apple has been eaten by birds. Think of the life it is supporting.

  2. I love how you compared life to the apples and human beings. I never thought about it that way and its true we all go through this life cycle.

  3. I too believe that life has so much of a deeper meaning than it's strict definition. The circle of life is definitely an interesting thing. Seems like you got a few good apples from your tree. Have you tried any? I bet they taste amazing. It seems like the birds think so. Great blog.
