Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Looking Closely

We as people sometimes don't pay attention to the little things in life. it's like we see but we actually don't see. We see things everyday but most of us don't stop to look closely and observe. We might think that since it's something so small it might not be important but we're wrong. Everything in life is important and everything has a purpose, even the smallest things because we all hold a place in this world. One day as I was sitting under my apple tree observing I noticed something moving in the dirt. As I got closer I realized there was hundreds of black ants running around. I was so amazed because I thought that they might not be able to carry much because of their size. But I was wrong because a lot of the ants were carrying something. I'm thinking it was probably food. These little things run so quickly and they seem to travel as a group. To learn more about ants visit the website of

Also I took a video of the ants running around which is below.


Another thing that I found fascinating was that my apple tree has little slanted lines all over it. It's crazy because I have had this tree for years in my backyard and I have never noticed this. It's as if the tree has it's own little design. It almost seems like someone came and actually did that on the tree. Below are some pictures of the design.

(Both Photos Taken By Allison) 9/5/14
It's amazing all the great things we can all find in even the smallest things. This world is made out of so much that has not been discovered. So see a little closer, hear a little better, smell and feel and we can all find something that has not been discovered. 

1 comment:

  1. I wonder if the ants are carrying bits of apple back to their home? (Is there a specific name for an ant home? Den? Hole?) Anyway, I think the marks on the tree are growth marks--like stretch marks on a person.
