Sunday, November 9, 2014

Beautiful Colors

Green, green and green is all that you see during summer. But Autumn has came along and everything changes. At least this was my mind set. I wanted to see the changes fast but that wasn't happening. But this week I really enjoyed being outside and observing. I finally saw the changes I wanted to see. There are so many beautiful colors all over the place. Either still on the trees or on the ground. I'm very excited to say that my apple tree is finally changing color. The leaves aren't all changed but there's many of them that are yellow. My apple tree took the longest to change color and honestly I was getting so impatient and frustrated because I wasn't seeing any changes with my apple tree. I was getting inpatient. I tried to research the reason for this but nothing came up. I'm thinking the reason for this is because my apple tree actually grew many apples and my other two fruit trees didn't grow anything but leaves. Below is a picture of my apple tree's leaves.
(Picture taken by Allison Sandoval)
My apple tree's leaves weren't the only ones changing. There are many other plant's leaves that are changing as well. A couple weeks ago those leaves were absolutely green and I just couldn't wait to see a change. Behind my apple tree is where they are located and they creep into my yard from my neighbor's yard. They are a orangey, redish color. But they stand out like no other. I'm not sure what kind of tree these leaves belong to because like I already said they come from my neighbors yard(I'm glad I have some of there leaves in my yard). Below is a picture of these leaves.
(Picture taken by Allison Sandoval)

My mother's roses used to be a pure red color. Now they are changing into maybe a little black and red. Most of the petals are falling off and this process took a very long time. Why does everything take so long? I just get really frustrated because I wish the changes would be fast.
Below is a picture of my mother's roses.
(Picture taken by Allison Sandoval)
There is more beauty in my backyard. There is a tree that has been planted by my father for about a year now. I'm not sure what kind of tree this is but all I know is that it grows many green leaves that are now various colors of yellow. Most of them are on the ground now but I think this looks so beautiful. I love seeing different colored leaves all over the place. It just gives everything the Autumn feel. But why does it all take so long?

(Picture taken by Allison Sandoval)

After observing this week I noticed that I need to have patience to see the beautiful colors in Autumn. Autumn isn't my favorite season but it sure is amazing. The leaves falling from the trees, the red, yellow and orange colors everywhere, rose petals falling. All this I find beautiful. But for this to happen it took a while. I guess patience is what I need to have. I advice everyone to stay calm and have patience because everything is worth it in the end.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Noticing Something

It's getting colder and colder by the day. My apple tree leaves are mostly all still there but some are slowly falling off. The other tree's and plant's leaves around my apple tree are yellow and orange. It's beginning to rain more and the dirt feels cool and moist. The sky looks cloudy and gloomy more often. But this week as I sat under my apple tree I noticed something that I haven't been paying attention to my whole life. Something that can be seen anywhere in the world. Something that shines so bright. Something so magical. Something that one day can look like a banana and the other like a half pizza. But it gets better, it can be a whole pizza too! "What is this something she's talking about?", many of you might be asking themselves. Well this something is the Moon. After watching the moon change shape I started wondering why this happens. I found out on the website of Grid Club that the reason this happens is because half of the Moon that points toward the Sun looks bright because it is lit by sunlight. The Moon appears to change shape because we see different amounts of the lit part as the Moon orbits Earth. When the Moon is between Earth and the Sun, the lit side is hidden from us. After reading this I remembered there was some days that when the Moon wasn't fully there I could actually see the outline of the Moon. It was like an invisible curved line. Below is a picture I found online that shows the Moon's phases.
(Picture found on the website of
After researching this more questions came to my mind so I kept researching and I came upon the website of Nine Planets. Here I learned a lot of interesting facts like the moon is Called Luna by the Romans, Selene and Artemis by the Greeks, and many other names in other mythologies. Also that the Moon is the only natural satellite of Earth. The moon is such an interesting "something." There is much to learn about the moon than I thought. If you would like to know more visit the website of

Below Are some pictures I took of My Own.
(Picture Taken By Allison)

(Picture Taken By Allison)

 In all my sixteen years of living not once have I observed or even became close to being curious about the moon. I always saw the moon as just something else in this world. But it's actually more important than I thought. Observing my apple tree has brought me to discover other great things. I need to start paying more attention to my surroundings because I've noticed that every week I get into observing some new that I never paid any kind attention to. I would like to advice everyone to see a little closer and observe a "something." Good luck Everyone!                            

Work Cited
"The Moon." Nine Planets. N.p. n.d. Web. 2 November 2014