Sunday, September 28, 2014


This week has been full of lots of amazing things. I never thought that I would discover so many things with observing my apple tree for 10 minutes.  I noticed many things like the apples on the ground are starting to dry up and they are getting smaller and smaller by the day. There's many holes on the apples so I realized that there's bugs that eat the apples but they move so quickly when you're close to the apples that it's hard to take a good picture.
(Taken By Allison) 9/28/14

I have never stopped and observed at how amazing the sky could look at different types of weather. This week it was pretty smokey and it was hard to breath. It looked foggy and it didn't smell very nice at all. Although it was foggy the sky wasn't filled with many clouds. One day that I was out doing my observations I realized that the sun was bright red in the middle of all the smoke. Down below is one of the pictures I took of it. 
(I taken by Allison) 9/28/14

Later on this week the smoke went away and it started raining and getting a little chilley outside. Again I went out to do my observations and I realized that the sky was super cloudy. I compared the picture of the smokey day and the rainy day and I realized that the weather or the smoke does have a impact on how the sky looks. The picture below is how the sky looked that day.
(Taken By Allison) 9/28/14